A single gift that makes a big difference

Star for Life Foundation

The purpose of Star for Life foundation is to raise funds for education and health activities in South Africa, Namibia and Tanzania. We are happy to accept your contribution by Bankgiro. When you donate to us, you can choose whether it is a general donation for our operations or if you want to earmark your support for a particular country or project that is extra close to your heart.

Bankgiro: 900 – 1611
Iban: SE7550000000051181071836
Bank: SEB, 106 40 Stockholm

Star for Life Sweden –

In Sweden, Star for Life is run under the name Motivationslyftet, which supports students at swedish schools but also young athletes. The common focus is motivation, self-esteem and mental health. With Motivationslyftet’s method, young people are trained in self-leadership, responsibility for their education and/or training and to prevent mental illness.

Bankgiro: 382-7227
IBAN: SE5080000832797048392885
Bank: Swedbank AB, SE-105 34 Stockholm


SFL Ukraine

Star for Life Ukraine is an independent foundation within Star for Life International that works to improve life chances and education with a special focus on online technical schools, Tech Labs and Girls in Tech. In a country that is challenged by war, we also focus on mental health/trauma processing and on humanitarian aid.

IBAN: UA92334851000000002600120057
Bank name: First Ukrainian International Bank

SFL Jerusalem

Star for Life Jerusalem is an independent foundation within Star for Life International. Here, in the eastern part of the city, school pupils are supported through SFL Education, young job seekers are matched with employers via SFL Job Hub and tomorrow’s ecosystem in High-Tech is developed through Sigma Labs. The common goal of the three activities is a brighter future for children and young people in East Jerusalem.

IBAN: IL 250262880000000438308
Account Name: Star For Life Foundation Jerusalem
Bank: The First International Bank of Israel
Branch: 288
Amuta (NGO) Number: 580732741

With Star for Life’s programme, childhood dreams come true

Zimbili talks on TV4

See Zimbili's story as shown on Post Code Millionaire on TV4! Star for Life had the chance to showcase the work of Girls Clubs on prime time TV.

Följ med till mobila hälsoklinikerna
Come along to the mobile health clinic

The mobile health clinic provides important health care to students and visits them at schools, often in rural areas where there is a long way to the nearest health centre . Here you can see and hear more about our work.

Mavuso High School
Mavuso High School

Here, the principal, the Star for Life coach and a pupil talk about the important and successful work being done in this vulnerable region in KwaZulu-Natal, where almost all parents are unemployed.

Emthulasizwe High School
Emthulasizwe High School

Welcome to Emthulasizwe High School in KwaZulu-Naltal in South Africa. The school is one of the schools where Star for Life’s is making a difference.