Make a difference every month

Become a monthly donor

For SEK 200 a month, you finance 12 learners’ participation in Star for Life programme for an entire academic year. Star for Life is an approved gift recipient, which means that you can claim a tax reduction when you gift us.

Read more on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website about whether you can take advantage of the tax reduction for your gift.

With Star for Life’s programme, childhood dreams come true

Zimbili talks on TV4

See Zimbili's story as shown on Post Code Millionaire on TV4! Star for Life had the chance to showcase the work of Girls Clubs on prime time TV.

Följ med till mobila hälsoklinikerna
Come along to the mobile health clinic

The mobile health clinic provides important health care to students and visits them at schools, often in rural areas where there is a long way to the nearest health centre . Here you can see and hear more about our work.

Mavuso High School
Mavuso High School

Here, the principal, the Star for Life coach and a pupil talk about the important and successful work being done in this vulnerable region in KwaZulu-Natal, where almost all parents are unemployed.

Emthulasizwe High School
Emthulasizwe High School

Welcome to Emthulasizwe High School in KwaZulu-Naltal in South Africa. The school is one of the schools where Star for Life’s is making a difference.