Star for Life Norge
Star for Life Norge er en uavhengig innsamlingsstiftelse som samler inn midler til Star for Life sitt arbeid i Sør-Afrika, Namibia og Tanzania. Dette skjer blant annet gjennom innsamlingsløpet Dream Challenge, konserter, utstillinger og en juleaksjon. Virksomheten ledes av Jørgen Klafstad.
Oscars Gate 27, 0352 Oslo
Jørgen Klafstad
Daglig leder
Jørgens hovedansvar er å lede innsamlingsarbeidet i Norge, med oppfølging av partnere, sponsorer og ulike events. Han har sin bakgrunn som mangeårig leder i medie- og kommunikasjonsbransjen og er utdannet markedsøkonom fra IHM. Jørgen er også er sertifisert coach NLP og arbeider til daglig med leder- styre og teamutvikling. I tillegg er han forfatter.
+47 (0)91 698 342
Stine Foss
Stine er rådgiver og styremedlem i Star for Life Norge. Til daglig er Stine finansdirektør (CFO) i Norssken22, der hun blant annet har ansvar for finans og fondsforvaltning. Stine var fra 2001 til 2019 finansdirektør i Northzone og har en MBA i finans fra Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH).
+47 920 956 44
Helle Jensen
Skolepartner og styremedlem
Helle har gjennom sitt selskap 2Invest vært skolepartner siden 2020 og er styremedlem i Star for Life Norge. Helle er opprinnelig fra Danmark hvor hun ble utdannet innen bankverdenen. Siden 1992 har Helle jobbet i Commercial Banking Applications (CBA), som også er sponsor for Star for Life Norges ulike innsamlingsaktiviteter. Siden 2023 har 2Invest også støttet satsingen rundt vårt program for entreprenørskap og jobbskaping for jenter ved våre skoler (Daughters of Africa Girls Club)
+47 920 89114
SFL International
SFL International är en ideell förening och paraplyorganisation med samordnings- och ledningsansvar för verksamheten i Star for Lifes olika länder. Verksamheten leds av generalsekreteraren med stöd av denna ledningsgrupp.
Dan Olofsson
Founder and Chairman
The corner-stone for Star for Life was laid by Dan and Christin when they started Thanda Safari in South Africa. Despite the fact that the couple had come to paradise with beautiful nature and wild animals, they soon became aware that many of their employees, including the young ones, contracted HIV and died of AIDS. In order to increase knowledge about the spread of infection as early as possible in life, a first school program was inaugurated in 2005. Today, almost 20 years later, the commitment is still strong and Dan is our chair.
Jessica Grundström Ahldin
Secretary General
As Secretary General, Jessica is ultimately responsible for operational management, international cooperation, new collaborations, budget, and staff. Before being recruited to Star for Life, she founded both the non-profit organization Drivkraft Malmö and the Transfer Öresund. In addition, Jessica has more then twenty years’ experience as an entrepreneur in leadership, marketing, media and sales.
+46 (0)70 811 29 30
Philip de Croy
Deputy Secretary General
& Head of Communications
Philip deputize Jessica in the leadership of Star for Life and heads our staff in communications, music and event. He has studied human rights and religion, has a background as PR-manager for concert halls and television programs and adds experience from both NGO boards and the UN. Outside Star for Life, Philip is known as an author and thanatologist (theologian focused in Death).
+46 (0)72 987 28 72
Ida Wahlström
Program Development Manager
As Senior Advisor, Ida coordinates and develops Star for Life’s School Programme. In addition, she is responsible for all applications to our institutional and internnational donors. Ida holds a Bachelor’s degree in international politics from Georgetown University and a Master’s degree in international development cooperation and management from Lund University.
+46 (0)70 337 40 77
Per Strand, PhD
Head of Research
Doctor Per heads Star for Lifes work with monitoring and evaluation. Per holds a PhD in political science, has researched political aspects of HIV/AIDS at the University of Cape Town and has been both research leader for AIDS Accountability International and Executive director for Star for Life in Africa.
+46 (0)73 68 22 830
Jørgen Klafstad
Fundraising Advisor
Jørgen is our advisor regarding global fundraising and partnership. He has a background as a long-standing manager in the media and communications industry and is a market economist from IHM. Jørgen is also a certified NLP coach and works on a daily basis with management and team development. In addition, he is an author.
+47 (0)91 698 342
Star for Life Insamlingsstiftelse
Management Team
Jessica Grundström Ahldin
Secretary General
As Secretary General, Jessica is ultimately responsible for operational management, international cooperation, new collaborations, budget, and staff. Before being recruited to Star for Life, she founded both the non-profit organization Drivkraft Malmö and the Transfer Öresund. In addition, Jessica has more then twenty years’ experience as an entrepreneur in leadership, marketing, media and sales.
+46 (0)70 811 29 30
Philip de Croy
Deputy Secretary General
& Head of Communications
Philip deputize Jessica in the leadership of Star for Life and heads our staff in communications, music and event. He has studied human rights and religion, has a background as PR-manager for concert halls and television programs and adds experience from both NGO boards and the UN. Outside Star for Life, Philip is known as an author and thanatologist (theologian focused in Death).
+46 (0)72 987 28 72
Lena Zachrisson
Chief Financial Officer
As CFO Lena is responsible for accounting and internal control, budget, follow-up, annual reports and payments. Lena holds a Bachelor of Economics from Linköping University and many years of experience in Community Engagement and CSR. Before Star for Life, she worked with Event Management and at Nordea with Private Banking.
+46 (0)70 559 89 05
Fundraising and Partnership
Partnership Manager
Partner Manager
Patric is the one developing the partnership’s value, managing existing collaborations and ensuring follow-up with institutions as Postkodlotteriet and Giva Sweden. Patric trained project management at IHM and has previously worked as a business developer at the media house UNT and as Project Manager at InPress.
+46 (0)76 723 40 19
Elinor Kretz
Relations Manager
Elinor is responsible for initiating new partnerships develop concepts for large donors and key partnerships. Elinor, who studied political science and economics, is also trained in hotel management, and has a background as Duty Manager at the Four Seasons hotel chain in cities such as Berlin, New York and Paris.
+46 (0)70 611 83 90
Anna Willix
Anna is responsible for sales, fundraising and new collaborations. She holds a degree in Business Management from IHM but also as an education as embodied yinyoga teacher. Before joining Star for Life, she worked as Senior Business Development Manager at Plan International Sweden, Key Account at MTG and worked with SOS International in Copenhagen. Outside Star for Life, she likes contrasts, enjoys skiing or visiting her favorite country, Brazil.
+46 (0)76 168 27 68
Program Development and Evaluation
Ida Wahlström
Senior Program Advisor
As Senior Program Advisor, Ida coordinates and develops Star for Life’s School Programme. In addition, she is responsible for all applications to our institutional and internnational donors. Ida holds a Bachelor’s degree in international politics from Georgetown University and a Master’s degree in international development cooperation and management from Lund University.
+46 (0)70 337 40 77
Per Strand, PhD
Head of Research
Doctor Per heads Star for Lifes work with monitoring and evaluation. Per holds a PhD in political science, has researched political aspects of HIV/AIDS at the University of Cape Town and has been both research leader for AIDS Accountability International and Executive director for Star for Life in Africa.
+46 (0)73 68 22 830
Maria Gren
Project Leader Mobile Health Unit
Maria coordinates the work with Star for Life’s mobile health units. Here, children and young people gain knowledge about puberty, consent, cohabitation and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). It is also here that our nurses perform health scannings, and provide psychosocial counselling and distribute menstrual pads. Maria is a trained nurse with extensive experience as a district nurse.
Economy and Administration
Lena Zachrisson
Chief Financial Officer
As CFO Lena is responsible for accounting and internal control, budget, follow-up, annual reports and payments. Lena holds a Bachelor of Economics from Linköping University and many years of experience in Community Engagement and CSR. Before Star for Life, she worked with Event Management and at Nordea with Private Banking.
+46 (0)70 559 89 05
Sam Olofsson
Global Advisor
Sam is Star for Lifes global advisor, in charge of our main reports and also the chairman for Star for Life in Namibia. For 10 years he was our Secretary General and for 20 years he taught history within the International Baccalaureate program. In collaboration with Oxford Study Courses, Sam has also taught exam preparation courses in Oxford and at Harvard in the US. In addition, he has written of books in history.
+46 (0)70 382 84 90
Philip de Croy
Deputy Secretary General
& Head of Communications
+46 (0)72 987 28 72
Elin Lindström
Art Director och Web Designer
As art director and web designer, Elin is part of Star for Lifes communications department and works with our webb, graphic material and design. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in graphic design, a Bachelor’s degree in communication science from Mittuniversitetet. Upon that she have 12 years of work experience with clients from Sweden all the way to Hong Kong.
+46 (0)70 257 72 54
Media- and Communications Staff in each Star for Life Country
Lois Peterson
Lois coordinates events such as as Star for Life in Concert, fundraising race as Star for Life Fun Run and our School Partner activities between Sweden and southern Africa. With British origins and with 15 years of teaching in English on the International Baccaulareate, Lois also does all Star for Life’s translations and internal language reviews.
+46 (0)73 393 39 63
Göran Rudbo
Music Production Manager
Music makes our dreams possible and unites people across borders. This is why, since the birth of Star for Life, music has been a unique part of our programme. Göran is not only a popular artist and songwriter, but also responsible for guaranteeing and developing the educational program’s musical quality and producing Star for Life Music and Concerts where young people from different walks of life meet and unite.
+46 (0)70 569 15 03
Ken Wennerholm
Music Production Manager
Music can open hearts and tear down barriers. With that conviction, since the start in 2005, Ken has given music a unique and self-evident place at the heart of Star for Life. Ken is not only a popular artist and songwriter, but also responsible for guaranteeing and developing the program’s musical quality as well as producing Star for Life’s Music and Concerts that inspire young people and reach out to companies and private individuals.
+46 (0)70 898 81 06
Robin Karlsson
Production Manager
Robin works as a production manager, which means creating structure, planning and logistics for our workflow and for our internal and external events. Outside Star for Life, he runs his own company which, among other things, has been involved in implementing large festivals such as Big Slap and Jamboree 22.
+46 (0)70 300 25 21
Alva Lundin
Alva works as coordinator for Star for Life’s executives but also as a junior project manager with events, our webshop and as a social media resource. Before Alva joined Star for Life, she was a temporary executive assistant at Danir and alongside her work with us, she is currently studying media- and communication science at Lunds Universitet.
+46 (0)73 033 16 48
Star for Life startet på Siphosabadletshe High School i Sør-Afrika i 2005, og siden den gang har målet vært det samme – å styrke barn og unge til å ta utdanning, helse og livsdrømmer på alvor. I dag er vi på 63 skoler rundt om i Sør-Afrika hvor vi også har en mobil helseklinikk. Virksomheten ledes av Precious Dlamini.
Richards Bay, +27 (0)35 753 1209
53 Anglers Rod, Suit 102/3 Marlin Mall, Meerensee
Hluhluwe, +27 (0)35 562 3149
74 Inyala Street,
Hluhluwe 3960
Johannesburg, +27 (0)10 025 2637
Cresta Junction: Judges Ave, Cresta
Johannesburg 2195, Block B First Floor
Precious Dlamini
Executive Director
+27 (0)76 420 25 17
Noluthando Nondabulo
Mobile Health Unit & Wellness
Program Manager
+27 (0)61 521 2566
Nomathemba Gumede
Human Resource & Office Administrator
Thandiwe Mbobo
Acting Fundraising Manager
+27 (0)82 665 7174
Phakamani Nxumalo
Arts Programme Manager
Mzwandile Nkwanyana
Media & Communications Officer
+27 35 562 31 59
+27 65 852 97 12
Andisiwe Mdudi
Assistant Communications Officer
+27 (0)78 058 7322
Mduduzi Mthethwa
Procurement Officer
Siphiwe Buthelezi
Admin Officer
Londiwe Makhanya
Programmes Officer
Nomathemba Mthethwa
Finance and Administration Clerk
Nikweziwe Myeni
General Assistant
Nonhlanhla Gumbi
General Assistant
Sindi Dladla
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Nhlanhla Shongwe
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Sabelo Wiseman Dlamini
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Tania Snyman
Human Resources Manager
Sithokozile Khuluse
Area Manager
KwaZulu-Natal 1
+27 (0)81 565 6210
Londiwe Nyawo
Area Manager in KwaZulu-Natal 2
+27 (0)79 687 2453
Nozipho Mahaye
Area Manager Johannesburg
+27 (0)66 384 4875
Star for Life Namibia jobber på 19 skoler rundt om i landet for å styrke elevenes selvfølelse og for at de unge skal ta utdanningen, helsen og livsdrømmene på alvor. Til å hjelpe dem har de trenere i klasserom og en mobil helseklinikk. Virksomheten ledes av Susan Linosi.
8 Goshawk Street, Hockland Park, Windhoek
+264 (0)61 264 800
Susan Linosi
Acting Country Manager
+260 77 7362 576
Noluthando Nondabulo
Mobile Health Unit & Wellness
Program Manager
+27 (0)61 521 2566
Aina Ilita
Human Resource Officer
Patience N Liyeke
Area Manager Namibia
Star for Life Tanzania jobber på Mafia Island, en øy like utenfor kysten av Tanzania. Ved åtte av øyas skoler jobber våre trenere med å styrke elevenes selvfølelse og for at ungdommene skal takle utdannelse, helse og nå livsdrømmene sine. Virksomheten ledes av Rashid Slim Nassib.
Slim Nassib Rashid
Area Manager Tanzania
Beatrice Mkami
M&E Officer
Frank Philips
Finance Officer
Med Star for Lifes arbeid i det sørlige Afrika som inspirasjon, ble Motivationslyftet grunnlagt for å støtte studenter, men også unge idrettsutøvere i Sverige. For selv om de materielle forutsetningene selvsagt er forskjellige, er det mye som forener, ikke minst når det gjelder motivasjon, selvfølelse og psykisk helse. Med Motivasjonslyftet-metoden trenes ungdom i selvledelse, å ta ansvar for egen utdanning og/eller opplæring, og i å forebygge psykiske lidelser. Virksomheten ledes av Jana Söderberg.
Jana Söderberg
Verksamhetsansvarig Motivationslyftet
+46 (0)70 673 06 44
Karin Månsson
Skolstrateg Region Öst
Cecilia Curman
Skolstrateg Region Mälardalen
Sandra Danielsson
Ansvarig idrottsföreningar och skolstrateg Region Mälardalen
Helena Wattström
Skolstrateg Region Väst och personalutbildare
Anne Hedlund
Skolstrateg Region Mälardalen
Hanna Silver
Organisationsstrateg och skolstrateg
Region Syd
Laila Davidsson
Maria Erixon
Skolstrateg Region Bergslagen
Ida Wahlström
Mattias Barsk
Patric Salomonsson
Partner Manager
Kjernen i Star for Life Ukraine, akkurat som i alle våre andre aktiviteter, er livsmuligheter og utdanning, men her med et spesielt fokus på nettbaserte teknologiskoler, Tech Labs og Girls in Tech. Men i et land som er rammet av krig, fokuseres det også på mental helse / traumebehandling og på humanitær hjelp. Virksomheten er gjort mulig gjennom samarbeid med IT-selskapet Sigma og ledes av Dennis Wolowyk.
Dennis Wolowyk
Myroslava Oseredchuk
Program Director
Nataliia Lebedieva
Kateryna Tkachenko
Development Lead
Serhii Ischeriakov
Educational Lead
Inna Zholtkevych
Head of Communications
+46 76 217 32 07
Vera Soldatova
Communication Advisor
Daria Yaniieva
Liudmyla Tymoshenko
Anastasiia Balan
«Computer for Kid» Project Manager
Yoav (Zimi) Zimran
Nadeen Siam
HR Director & Executive Assistant
to the CEO
+972 (0) 54 779 9650
Paz Cohen
Managing Director Star for Life Education
Rajai Nuseibeh
Managing Director Star for Life Sigma Labs and Star for Life Job Hub
Per Strand, PhD
Project Advisor Star for Life Education
Dennis Wolowyk
Project Advisor Star for Life Sigma Labs
Star for Life Germany er en uavhengig pengeinnsamlingsstiftelse som samler inn midler til fordel for Star for Life sitt arbeid i Namibia, Tanzania og Sør-Afrika. Virksomheten ledes av Susanne Haumann.
Dettinger Str. 157-159, 732 30 Kirchheim/Teck