In 2005, a few dedicated persons gathered with the dream to push back the spread of HIV in South Africa. Ever since then, Star for Life has coached children and young people through music and pedagogy to good health, higher grades and achieved dreams.

Contact us

Star for Life
Vasagatan 7, 6 tr
111 20 Stockholm

Swish: 900 1611
Bankgiro: 900 – 1611

Support us

Star for Life support children in different countries. When you donate to Star for Life, you can choose whether it is a general donation to our operations or if you want to earmark your support for a particular country and/or project that is extra close to your heart.


Follow Star for Life’s work on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. You can also subscribe to our newsletter which comes out several times a year. Just click on the link below, fill in your contact details and welcome to our dream factory.